Feb 16, 2025 Küche: ClosedFrühstück: Open until 12:00 Voucher +49 (0) 421 62062-599
Küche: ClosedFrühstück: Open until 12:00
+49 (0) 421 62062-599
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New Year's Eve on the "Alm"

At the end of the year, the ATLANTIC Almhütte cordially invites you to a hearty New Year’s Eve party. The cosy ambience, the best après-ski hits and of course the guests themselves provide the perfect atmosphere. This year, too, there will be a great prize for the most beautiful traditional costume. So get into your “dirndls” and “lederhosen”!

An exclusive alpine buffet, prepared by the alto team, awaits you for refreshment.

Alpine Buffet on 31 December 2024

Alpine hut cold plates
Smoked salmon tartare, dill cream, potato dressing
Beef tartare, pumpernickel, capers
Goat cheese, paprika confit

Bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin, chicken drumsticks, trout filet

Potato truffle gratin, bread dumplings, cheese spaetzle,
potato-mustard mash, beetroot gnocchis

Morels in cream, green beans with bacon, roasted vegetables,

creamy sauerkraut, peppercorn sauce, jus, beer sauce, beurre blanc
Apricot dumplings with plum compote
Kaiserschmarrn with vanilla sauce
Selection of desserts in a glass
Midnight snack
Currywurst with bread
Berliner donuts

119,00 € per person
including buffet, party program, midnight snack and 1 glass of LANSON champagne

Location: ATLANTIC Almhütte

Start: 7 pm, End: 3 am

Ticket sales:
Tel.: +49 (0) 421 62062-0
E-Mail: grandhotel@atlantic-hotels.de

Rustikal und herzlich – Almhütte Bremen
Die besten Après-Ski Hits – Almhütte Bremen
Rustikal und herzlich – Almhütte Bremen
Stimmungsvoll und urgemütlich – Almhütte Bremen
Rustikal und urgemütlich – Almhütte Bremen
Herzhaft & rustikal – Brotzeit in der Almhütte Bremen